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Smooth 4.25 Treadmill Review

Smooth 4.25 Treadmill

Smooth 4.25 Treadmill

Update: This treadmill has been discontinued.

To look for an alternative, please visit our best buy treadmills page.

The Smooth 4.25 treadmill is the cheapest and most basic treadmill from Smooth this 2008/2009.

It is built to be small, compact and portable for those who doesn’t have a big space at home or those that travel a lot. However, just like other budget treadmills, this one is also to be used only for walking or some light jogging.

Is This for You?

If you’re looking for a treadmill that won’t take up too much space in your house, then this machine was specifically made for that. This Smooth model is one of the smallest in the market right now. It can even fit in the back of your car, which is perfect for people that likes to workout even during a vacation.

What You’ll Be Getting

The Smooth 4.25 offers a 2.0HP continuous duty motor that can reach speeds of up to 8.8mph and has an incline of 7%(manual) which is perfect for walkers. It also comes with 7 preset exercise programs with 5 levels of intensity to give you variety in your workouts so it doesn’t become boring.

The 16” x 50” running space gives just enough room for walking. This textured whisper weave™ low-noise treadbelt also offers the Flex-Deck frame cushioning system which minimizes injury by reducing the impact on your joints.

There is also a backlit display featuring a 2.5” x 5” LCD (where the angle can be adjusted to fit your height) which reads out basic information about your workout and a hand pulse grip that checks your heart rate. All these data are given to you so can monitor your progress.

As I’ve mentioned above, the main selling point of this machine is its compact size and portability. It can be folded down or stood up then can be easily rolled away with its transport wheels. It measures a mere 11” x 29” and weighs 155 lbs while folded so you won’t need a big space to store it.

And finally, the Smooth 4.25 treadmill boasts a lifetime frames warranty, 10 years motor warranty, 3 years parts warranty and a 1 year in-home service warranty. These warranties are hard to beat considering this is an entry level machine.


This is actually a pretty decent treadmill considering its price. However, I must warn you that this machine isn’t for everyone. This unit has a maximum user weight capacity of 250 lbs so big people cannot use it. And with its slim design, I believe tall people won’t be comfortable on this machine. And finally with its max speed at just 8.8mph, it would lack the strength to satisfy most runners.


Unless you really need a small treadmill or you plan on bringing a treadmill on your next vacation, I don’t recommend the Smooth 4.25 treadmill. For just a little over $300 more, you can already get the Smooth 5.45 which offers way better quality, features, and specs so why would you settle for this machine? (Please see our best buy treadmills page for more quality entry level models)


Cost: $688

Motor: 2.0HP continuous motor

Speed: up to 8.8 mph

Incline: flat and 7% manual incline

Warranty: Lifetime frame, 10years motor, 3 years parts, 1 year service

Belt Size: 50” x 16”

Rollers: 2.0”

Foldable: Yes

Heart Rate: Yes

• 7 Pre-programmed Workouts with 5 Levels of Intensity
• 2.5” x 5” LCD console
• Handrail Grip Pulse Monitor
• Flex-Deck Frames Cushioning System
• Textured Whisper Weave™ Low-Noise Treadbelt
• Patented Fold-Down/Stand-Up Design
• Comes Fully Assemble

Where to Buy?

If you plan on buying a Smooth 4.25 treadmill, I suggest you buy directly from the company through They offer the best price around the net. You can get it for just $688.

Click here to visit the Smooth website and learn more
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Smooth 4.25 Not rated yet
I bought this treadmill because I have limited space in which to use it and store it (a tugboat). I have run many marathons and know how to train properly. …

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