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Trouble from the Get-go! - Nordictrack TreadMill

by Rickey Morris
(Apache Junction, AZ)

I bought this from NordicTrack and it was delivered for Free to the door, from there the rest was up to me to assemble, and move, and setup and at 63 it was a workout in it's self.

Then I started using it... I-fit programs didn't work correctly, after three plugin units sent, I gave up on that.

The Lift system stopped working correctly, although I could reset it, and it would work for a time?

Then the squeaks started in the front.

I had a service man come out and he said he just greased the roller bearings, because the cheap labor they hire at Nordictrack, they missed it.

I believe these are sealed bearings, but he got a quick service call, it was quite for a few weeks, and then the lube started showing on my walking belt, and when I raised the table up, there was more on the platform I have the treadmill sitting on.

Now I'm looking for a new Roller/Pulley to install because I can't find a Bearing for replacement anywhere, and they won't give you the Bearing part number because they want Treadmill repair to seem over complicated to the common idiot, and they make a lot of money not fixing them.

If you like a lot of stress in your life, and depending on Shysters for service and parts, buy this unit by all means.

If you want something that works, and has a lot less breakdowns, (I believe this is a training model for Nordictrack repairmen) don't buy this one...EVER!!!

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